Objet: bloquer les scanneurs de ports
Installation avec la méthode habituelle: apt install portsentry
Puis modification de certains paramètres dans le fichier /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
# Ignore Options #
# 0 = Do not block UDP/TCP scans.
# 1 = Block UDP/TCP scans.
# 2 = Run external command only (KILL_RUN_CMD)
# External Command#
# The KILL_RUN_CMD_FIRST value should be set to "1" to force the command
# to run \*before\* the blocking occurs and should be set to "0" to make the
# command run \*after\* the blocking has occurred.
KILL_RUN_CMD="/home/unutilisateur/portsentry_ext_cmd.sh $TARGET$"
# for examples see /usr/share/doc/portsentry/examples/
Lire la suite « Installation de portsentry »